Sunday, August 16, 2009

Swimming Lessons

The girls had swimming lessons for 4 weeks in a row Monday - Thursday! Those were some long days since they had classes at different times. They were back to back though, with a 15 min. break in between. They had fun and Milaya made some great progress. She is really good at the backstroke and getting better at going under the water without holding her nose. She is better at that than mom is! Hali is gaining more confidence in the water, but still won't stick her whole face in the water yet. She is like her mom! Sorry Grammie and Papa! I am totally "payin' for my raisin' ". Brock also had two weeks of a Mommy and Me class. (So that was a total of 6 weeks of swim classes!!!! Let's just say that the people at the YMCA know us very well now.) I didn't get any pictures of that because I was in the water, oops. He had fun, but wanted to do his own thing. Stubborn little punk! Oh well, what can you expect from a two year old boy!

Milaya floating obviously.

The girls in between classes.

Hali's hair is getting really long.

My cute little Hali Belly

This one is dark, I realized that you didn't really need the flash. It was an indoor pool and it worked better to not have the flash on. I didn't realize that until after Hali was out of the pool on her last day of classes.

Anyway, they enjoyed their classes and did a great job.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Breastfeeding - It Rocks!

August 1st-7th is World Breastfeeding Week ( and I thought that I would add my two cents in and say that breastfeeding is such a wonderful thing! There has been tons of controversy over whether or not it is "obscene" to breastfeed in public or to show pictures of it in your Facebook profile...the list could go on and on. There is a protest on facebook right now to let them know how people feel about it and that it isn't obscene. The Mothers International Lactation Campaign has a post in FB to explain more about what it is about.

They are incouraging people...whether they be nursing mom's or not... to post a photogragh, drawing, sculpture, or even a pic of animals nursing on their profile and change their status to 'Hey FB, breastfeeding is not obscene'. They have some pics on the link that depict nursing moms and they are so sweet. I wasn't able to nurse as long as some of these mom's but sometimes I wish I could have. Mother's milk is so good for babies. I don't know why people don't realize that. I know there are certain sircumstances where women can't do it for medical reasons. I know women that have just simply chosen not to do it (and they aren't bad moms!). It is a personal choice and each of us has that right to choose. But I do think that nursing mom's need support, especially if it is your first. And those that choose not to. Some women feel guilty for choosing not to nurse their babies. I am not one to judge them. I have fed all of my babies formula at one time or another. Nursing is and can be a wonderful experience. It takes practice and lots of PATIENCE sometimes. You just have to stick with it. It is challenging and also rewarding to know that I am supplying my baby's food. I know exactly what it is in it. No fillers, no synthetic stuff. Just pure mom's milk (with a hint of chocolate in it!).

Nuff said...and speaking of little one is calling my name ;)

This is just an interesting picture that I found and loved. (Maybe it comes from the Massage Therapist point of view) I just thought that it was kind of cool. I love how you can still see the baby looking up at the mother and you can see the mother smiling. AWESOME! (tears coming to my eyes)